So, for all those who want to translate Feren OS to other languages, you can now obtain the POT files for the strings in Feren OS Programs and Additions to other applications (for bits that'd otherwise be in English no matter what locale's chosen), from this GitLab Repository: Some notes: - Please follow the instructions on the Repository Description in order to contribute translations - It'd be preferred if you DO add po and mo files in the specified locale's folder, based on the main POT File, you can use programs such as 'poedit' to create the 'po' file, and then you can make the 'mo' file with commands such as 'msgfmt -v namehere.po -o'. - The repo, at the time of writing this, is currently sparce. The repo will gain more and more POT files as the OS gets more and more packages updated in order to add translate-ability to them, as so far only Layout Manager has translate-ability in-code. (2018. The Feren OS DevSo, a little bit of a short blog post, but, there's two things I'd like to highlight: 1. The upgrade path for Feren OS on 16.04 users - The upgrade path, as promised, for Feren OS on 16.04 users to update to an 18.04 base, has now been unblocked once more, because of a promise I made that upon the release of Ubuntu 18.04.1 the path would be unblocked once more, as well as the fact that, obviously, Ubuntu 18.04.1 got released officially. With the latest updates to the Major Updater, future Major Updaters also now have better protection against errors that could be caused from issues such as not being able to access the Feren OS Repositories, etc, now too, with a package check for a package on the Feren OS Repositories failing then causing the program to stop Major Updating before the process gets to the point where things aren't easily undone, as an extra pre-Update check. 2. Contributions for Translating - So, about Translations: I know a lot of you have been sending me emails about wanting to contribute translations to Feren OS, and for that, I'll say right now: Sorry for not replying, and I'll, once done with a big change that I'm working on for Feren OS Live, for the standard OS usage path (More Details Soon), I'll work on adding in translation support for Feren OS Additions, as well as add a repository on my GitLab with all the English Strings, and then have all the locales I know of separated in there as branches, with all the strings, in files, so that translators can then fork, translate, and pull request the translations for different locales, so that I can then attempt to add in translations for non-English languages in Feren OS. The Feren OS DevIt has come to my attention thanks to Clem at Linux Mint that there's currently a Major issue with the upgrade paths of EVERYTHING for 16.04 > 18.04, and so with this I warn everyone, DO NOT INSTALL THE MAJOR UPDATE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. So, the problem here is as follows: In 16.04, MESA got an update that makes it NEWER than the version on 18.04 (a backport), which creates MASSIVE APT Dependency Issues which, upon a person taking the upgrade path, can result in the removal of Desktop Environments, Libraries, Zenity, WebKitGTK, in other words, YOUR INSTALLATION WILL GET TRASHED IF THIS HAPPENS TO YOU. The source comment is here: Clem has confirmed that he's in talks with the MESA team at Canonical to try and get this fixed as fast as possible, but I thought I'd also warn you people too, as his post is merely a comment on the situation and so won't get noticed fairly well. So, what now?It's a little too late in the day now for me to react to this situation, but tomorrow I promise that, because of the fact that the Major Update process requires an internet connection as is, I'll make use of the Major update scripts GitLab to add a blocker file which then prevents the Major Update from being commited if the file is found on the repo, and will then get the script to download it and print the message inside of it as to what's going on, for those who may be unaware. Also, businesses, like I said, schedule it for some time LATE in the year, so that there's enough time for bugs like this to be ironed out before your computers get the brunt of this set of updates. The Feren OS DevAn important update has released for feren-os-majorupdate. If you haven't updated to version 2018. or above, and haven't Major Updated yet, you should upgrade that package now, as well as make sure that 'feren-ppas' is up to date too. Well, you've all waited patiently for this moment, and now I'm happy to announce that I have dropped all the packages required for upgrading Feren OS to an Ubuntu 18.04/Mint 19-based Feren OS. Here's what you need to do: 1. Go into Update Manager 2. Hit 'Refresh' 3. Once the updates list has been refreshed, select 'feren-os-majorupdate' to be updated, and hit 'Install Updates' 4. Restart the system when you want to begin the long update process, and confirm that you'd like to update there and then the next time Feren OS boots. If you can't find an update for 'feren-os-majorupdate', here's what you need to do: 1. Go into Software/Software Manager 2. Search for 'feren-os-majorupdate' 3. Go to 'feren-os-majorupdate' (Package) and install it 4. Restart the system when you want to begin the long update process, and confirm that you'd like to update there and then the next time Feren OS boots. NOTE: If you still have 'feren-system-packages' installed, then that package should pull down the 'feren-os-majorupdate' package for you onto the system, assuming it's up to date. For businesses, you can still schedule the Major Update if you haven't already done so, by checking this blog post. Again, thank you everyone for waiting patiently for this update path to be added in, and a huge thanks to those who helped test the Major Updater, as well, thanks to all the hard work, the general users should now be able to comfortably update over to 18.04-based Feren OS. PS: If you do catch wind of an error relating to the package 'acpid', don't worry about it. I know about that issue, and so implemented a next-boot script that then fixes that issue automatically for you the next time Feren OS boots after the Major Update, before then clearing out the remains of the Major Updater, now it's then not needed, for now, so that you can get right back to managing installed applications, packages, etc. Oh, and regarding the ISO: That's coming a little bit later, I was mainly focusing on the upgrade path for now, and so haven't yet started on the next snapshot's ISO (based on Mint 19.0 Cinnamon). The Feren OS Dev |
April 2019
AuthorIt's great making something for the community that might become quite big and remain for a very long time to continue serving the community and helping Linux as a result. Categories