So... I just realised a few minutes ago (oops), but today is the 3rd Birthday of Feren OS, having been first released today 3 years ago as an Operating System. With this, I'll take the time now to talk about a few things I've been working on: A New Logo!Ironically, I thought of doing this on this exact day earlier, not even realising what day it was, but Feren OS, after a few iterations and attempts in Inkscape, now has a new completely original logo. You might've already noticed it by looking at the top-left, but, yeah, Feren OS now has a new, original, logo for it, with, as per tradition, both blue and white versions, but this time being in SVG Goodness, with a 1024x1024 graphic inside. For current Feren OS Users, you can upgrade 'inspire-icon-theme', 'feren-artwork', and some other packages now to enjoy the new logos in all their goodness, being immediately used in place of the old ones. For those who haven't yet seen them, these are the new logos, in their high quality goodness (An SVG of the new logo (in blue) is in the package update to 'feren-artwork'): (Very WIP) Now for something I've been working on behind the scenes... Calamares in Feren OS.I've been recently working in the background to, using the version of Calamares found in Ubuntu 18.04's Universe Repos, eventually replace the Slower but Still Usable Ubiquity Installer that Ubuntu provides, and Mint and Feren OS also use, as of right now, with the Speedy and Well-known Calamares Installer, and so far it's going very well. Now I've been contemplating on releasing the Calamares Bundled ISO (WIP) to the 'Development' SourceForge Download Mirror, as so far it's already in a decent state when it comes to installing the OS normally. However, there's still a lot that needs to be done yet before it can be considered ready for Stable:
Either way, there's some changes happening right now for Feren OS, that will improve the experience on it, in the future, and... ...for all those who have, or still do, use Feren OS: Thanks for staying with me on this journey, let's keep improving Feren OS, together... and maybe someday we might show those other competitors how you make a Personal OS in the Modern Era. The Feren OS Dev
April 2019
AuthorIt's great making something for the community that might become quite big and remain for a very long time to continue serving the community and helping Linux as a result. Categories