So, for all those who want to translate Feren OS to other languages, you can now obtain the POT files for the strings in Feren OS Programs and Additions to other applications (for bits that'd otherwise be in English no matter what locale's chosen), from this GitLab Repository: Some notes: - Please follow the instructions on the Repository Description in order to contribute translations - It'd be preferred if you DO add po and mo files in the specified locale's folder, based on the main POT File, you can use programs such as 'poedit' to create the 'po' file, and then you can make the 'mo' file with commands such as 'msgfmt -v namehere.po -o'. - The repo, at the time of writing this, is currently sparce. The repo will gain more and more POT files as the OS gets more and more packages updated in order to add translate-ability to them, as so far only Layout Manager has translate-ability in-code. (2018. The Feren OS Dev
April 2019
AuthorIt's great making something for the community that might become quite big and remain for a very long time to continue serving the community and helping Linux as a result. Categories