Release Notes for Ubuntu 20.04 based Feren OS
These apply to Feren OS November 2020 Snapshot (Codenamed 'Carbon') and newer.
Plasma Styles and GTK3 colours on Global Themes
When applying a Global Theme, there's a chance the Plasma Style might not immediately update, alongside the colours of GTK3 applications. This is fixed by logging out and in again.
Latte on Human Layout
The Human theme's desktop layout might suffer from a Latte Dock bug where it overlaps the top panel. This appears to be an upstream Latte Dock bug as in most cases it usually makes room for the top panel instead of overlapping it.
Cinnamon in Feren OS
Due to the package choices made to get Nemo to its latest Linux Mint 20 version, ‘cinnamon’ can only be installed using aptitude or via manual dependency resolving, unless you add the Linux Mint repositories manually.
Rounded Corners in VMs
To have fully rounded corners in VMs, switch the Compositor to OpenGL 2.0 or OpenGL 3.0 from System Settings -> Search "Compositor".
Live Session login details
The Live Session User is 'feren' with no password.
Moving windows larger than your screen
You can hold Super ('Windows Key') while dragging at any point of a window to move that window. Similarly holding the second mouse button down instead of the first causes the window to be resized, if allowed by the application.
Ubuntu's release notes
You can check the release notes of what Feren OS is powered by here: