If you're reading this on January 1st, well, Happy New Year! Meanwhile, to kick off 2018, a new snapshot of feren OS has been released for computers with the 32 bit architecture and the 64 bit architecture, and like the previous snapshot, it comes with plenty of updates, and for this release, a seriously big change. Listed below are the changes I remember, and how to upgrade: Updating to January Snapshot Simple. Just go into the Update Manager, hit Refresh, and install any updates that might be there, once you've done that, congrats, you're now on January Snapshot! Changes from October 2017 to January 2018: New Background Set This release is packed with a new set of wallpapers, namely being a new Unsplash Wallpaper Set, as well as new wallpapers from a new artist to the wallpaper set, being Karl Schneider. Also, if the wallpaper set isn't enough for you, you can now add 'feren-extra-backgrounds' via the Software Manager. Software has been replaced, by Software Manager Before you say anything, I made sure this was the Software Manager I wanted, but ever since I saw the first ever screenshot of the newly revamped Mint Software Manager, I knew that was what I wanted a Software Center to be like in feren OS, until it gets its own one, so, when Mint 18.3 was released, alongside upgrading feren OS Users to the base of 18.3, I also made a quick job at replacing GNOME Software with Mint's one, in the most user-friendly way possible, without getting in the way of users, and yeah, this is the new Software center feren OS uses, and already, it does package and app searching from PPAs way better than GNOME Software did. Also, Flatpak is also now installed too. You can now make and install a Custom Themer Theme! Remember in the Special how I said I planned to make Custom Themer Theme support a thing? Well, I've now delivered on that promise, so, now, you can make and install Themer Themes by the feren OS Community! As a consequence, there's now a Themer Store, which, while it might be in basic stages thus far, is already ready for use. Themer Store and instructions are here. However, this comes at a price... ...Themer has moved. Hello Themes Themer has been successfully merged into Themes, the System Settings page, and now allows for easy access between installed Themes, Mix n' Match (Legacy Themes), and Misc. Options, with Themes being the main hub for what were once Themer's features, including the obvious choose a Theme button & menu, alongside panel layout saving/loading, and choosing what Themes can change upon application. So, what's next? A Major Update: Mint 19/Ubuntu 18.04 LTS This is what I've been preparing for, and I've done all I can for now, an upgrade to Ubuntu 18.04 will be coming soon, and this upgrade WILL be the ultimate test for if I manage to ease the upgrade process in as Stable a way as possible, to easily get any feren OS Users, from Mint 18.3 to Mint 19.0. This also means feren GTK will have to be re-made, as a port is required in order to keep it working in the GTK version Ubuntu 18.04 will be using, as otherwise, well, I'll let you look on my G+ for a screenshot of what it currently looks like (a black and white mess of text, basically) under GTK 3.2X. Anyways, thanks so much everyone for helping feren OS reach 100,000 Downloads in Total, it really means a lot to see these milestones come and go for feren OS, and let's make 2018 an even better year than ever for feren OS, if possible! The feren OS Developer
April 2019
AuthorIt's great making something for the community that might become quite big and remain for a very long time to continue serving the community and helping Linux as a result. Categories